BC Number, SIC Code and SWIFT Code for all Banks in Switzerland.

BC-Nummer, Bankenclearing-Nummer, BC Number or Bank Clearing Number is a numerical code used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Switzerland. The number consists of 3 to 5 digits, and it is used for domestic bank transfer. This number is also integrated into IBAN account numbers.

The format of BC Number is as follows;


  • the first digit (A) represents the banking groups.
  • the last two or up to four digit (BBBB) is the branch code identifier.

SIC Numbers is a six digits numerical code for use in the SIC and euroSIC systems. These numbers are used to process international payments. SIC used for settlement in Swiss Francs while euroSIC used for settlemet in Euro. The codes enable banks worldwide to utilize an efficient and inexpensive access to the euro finance marketplace and to the Swiss financial center.

The system manages and maintains by SIX Interbank Clearing on behalf of Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) or Swiss National Bank since 1987.

Valais - Page 4

The table below are the address and BC number for banks in Valais, Switzerland. Click on the BC number to find out the SIC Code, SWIFT Code, bank details, address, telephone number and maps.

No Bank or Institution Canton City Street Address BC Number
151 Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn VS Stalden VS Bahnhofstrasse 10 80496
152 Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn VS Staldenried 80496
153 Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn VS Täsch 80496
154 Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn VS Törbel 80496
155 Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn VS Zermatt 80496
156 Raiffeisenbank Raron-St. German-Niedergesteln VS Niedergesteln 80538
157 Raiffeisenbank Raron-St. German-Niedergesteln VS Raron Brückenmoosstrasse 2 80538
158 Raiffeisenbank Raron-St. German-Niedergesteln VS St. German 80538
159 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Agarn Dorfstrasse 11 80527
160 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Ergisch Mitteldorf 18 80527
161 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Leukerbad 80527
162 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Oberems 80527
163 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Salgesch 80527
164 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Susten Sustenstrasse 3 80527
165 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Turtmann 80527
166 Raiffeisenbank Region Leuk VS Varen 80527
167 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Ausserberg 80553
168 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Baltschieder 80553
169 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Bürchen Hasel 80553
170 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Eggerberg Bahnhofstrasse 80553
171 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Eischoll 80553
172 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Lalden Dorfstrasse 80553
173 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Unterbäch VS 80553
174 Raiffeisenbank Region Visp VS Visp/Viège Bahnhofstrasse 10 80553
175 Raiffeisenbank Unnergoms VS Fiesch Furkastrasse 44 80520
176 Raiffeisenbank Visperterminen VS Visperterminen Kanzleiweg 80499
177 SOS Surveillance Glassey SA VS Martigny Place Centrale 9b-11 8351
178 Spar- und Leihkasse Leuk und Umgebung Genossenschaft VS Leuk Stadt Rathausplatz 4 8347
179 UBS AG VS Bettmeralp Haus Alpenheim 263
180 UBS AG VS Brig/Brigue Sebastiansplatz 4 263
181 UBS AG VS Fiesch Furkastrasse 263
182 UBS AG VS Grächen Dorfplatz 294
183 UBS AG VS Leukerbad Dorfstrasse 3 294
184 UBS AG VS Naters Furkastrasse 21 263
185 UBS AG VS Saas Fee Marienhof 263
186 UBS AG VS Steg VS Haus Metropol / Bahnhofstrasse 21 294
187 UBS AG VS Susten Sustenstrasse 21 294
188 UBS AG VS Visp/Viège Bahnhofplatz 14 294
189 UBS AG VS Zermatt Bahnhofstrasse 263
190 UBS SA VS Crans Rue du Pas de l'Ours 4 268
191 UBS SA VS Fully Rue de la Poste 264
192 UBS SA VS Haute-Nendaz Centre Commercial 265
193 UBS SA VS Martigny 1 Avenue de la Gare 2 264
194 UBS SA VS Montana Rue Thèodore Stéphani 2 268
195 UBS SA VS Monthey 2 Rue du Coppet 14 277
196 UBS SA VS Riddes Rue du Faubourg 265
197 UBS SA VS Savièse Saint Germain 265
198 UBS SA VS Saxon Rue de Gottefrey 14 264
199 UBS SA VS Sierre/Siders Avenue Général-Guisan 1 268
200 UBS SA VS Sion/Sitten Avenue de la Gare 36 265