BC Number, SIC Code and SWIFT Code for all Banks in Switzerland.

BC-Nummer, Bankenclearing-Nummer, BC Number or Bank Clearing Number is a numerical code used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Switzerland. The number consists of 3 to 5 digits, and it is used for domestic bank transfer. This number is also integrated into IBAN account numbers.

The format of BC Number is as follows;


  • the first digit (A) represents the banking groups.
  • the last two or up to four digit (BBBB) is the branch code identifier.

SIC Numbers is a six digits numerical code for use in the SIC and euroSIC systems. These numbers are used to process international payments. SIC used for settlement in Swiss Francs while euroSIC used for settlemet in Euro. The codes enable banks worldwide to utilize an efficient and inexpensive access to the euro finance marketplace and to the Swiss financial center.

The system manages and maintains by SIX Interbank Clearing on behalf of Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) or Swiss National Bank since 1987.

UBS - Page 4

The table below are the address and BC number for UBS branches in Switzerland. Click on the BC number to find out the SIC Code, SWIFT Code, bank details, address, telephone number and maps.

No Bank or Institution Canton City Street Address BC Number
151 UBS AG LU Sursee Bahnhofstrasse 31 288
152 UBS AG LU Wolhusen Bahnhofstrasse 20 288
153 UBS SA NE Boudry Avenue du Collège 8 290
154 UBS SA NE Cernier Frédéric Soguel 1 290
155 UBS SA NE Chaux-de-Fonds, La Avenue Léopold-Robert 16 242
156 UBS SA NE Fleurier Avenue de la Gare 3 290
157 UBS SA NE Landeron, Le Rue de la Gare 10 290
158 UBS SA NE Locle, Le Rue Henry-Grandjean 5 242
159 UBS SA NE Neuchâtel Place Pury 5 290
160 UBS SA NE Peseux Place de la Fontaine 4 290
161 UBS AG NW Hergiswil NW Seestrasse 20 248
162 UBS AG NW Stans Buochserstrasse 2 248
163 UBS AG OW Sarnen Bahnhofplatz 1 248
164 UBS AG SG Altstätten SG Rorschacherstrasse 1 213
165 UBS AG SG Bad Ragaz Am Platz 8 220
166 UBS AG SG Buchs SG 1 St. Gallerstrasse 5 220
167 UBS AG SG Flawil 1 Bahnhofstrasse 2 254
168 UBS AG SG Gossau SG 1 St. Gallerstrasse 57 254
169 UBS AG SG Heerbrugg Kirchstrasse 2 213
170 UBS AG SG Lichtensteig Hauptgasse 8 244
171 UBS AG SG Rapperswil SG Rathausstrasse 8 250
172 UBS AG SG Rorschach Hauptstrasse 78 252
173 UBS AG SG Sargans Grossfeldstrasse 19 208
174 UBS AG SG St. Gallen Am Bahnhofplatz 254
175 UBS AG SG St. Gallen Multertor / Neugasse 54 254
176 UBS AG SG St. Margrethen SG Bahnhofplatz 4 295
177 UBS AG SG Wattwil Bahnhofstrasse 9 244
178 UBS AG SG Wil SG 1 Obere Bahnhofstrasse 36 256
179 UBS AG SH Schaffhausen Neuhausen a.R. / Zentralstrasse 2 287
180 UBS AG SH Schaffhausen Schwertstrasse 2 287
181 UBS AG SO Breitenbach Wydehof-Center / Laufenstrasse 4 245
182 UBS AG SO Grenchen 1 Marktplatz 6 272
183 UBS AG SO Olten Froburgstrasse 17 261
184 UBS AG SO Solothurn Amthausplatz 1 262
185 UBS AG SZ Einsiedeln Klosterplatz 216
186 UBS AG SZ Küssnacht am Rigi Bahnhofstrasse 28 248
187 UBS AG SZ Lachen SZ Bahnhofplatz 3 216
188 UBS AG SZ Pfäffikon SZ Churerstrasse 70 214
189 UBS AG SZ Schwyz Oberer Steisteg 20 273
190 UBS AG TG Amriswil Bahnhofstrasse 13 239
191 UBS AG TG Arbon Bahnhofstrasse 26 203
192 UBS AG TG Bischofszell Obertor 1 239
193 UBS AG TG Frauenfeld Zürcherstrasse 144 239
194 UBS AG TG Kreuzlingen 1 Hauptstrasse 37 217
195 UBS AG TG Weinfelden Rathausstrasse 11 219
196 UBS SA TI Agno Via Lugano 15 247
197 UBS SA TI Airolo Via Stazione 234
198 UBS SA TI Ascona Viale Monte Verità 1 246
199 UBS SA TI Bellinzona Largo Elvezia 2 234
200 UBS SA TI Biasca Via A. Pini 34 234